to be a natural anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. It is thought to be
an excellent cleansing agent while improving skin texture and surface
smoothness. It also provides excellent hair shine.
Why People Use This Product:
To provide moisturizing properties to products.
Popular Products That Use This Ingredient:
Hair Formulations. Lotions. Scrubs. Soap.
Points of Interest:
Honey has long been found to destroy bacteria. It is a natural anti
oxidant that is high in vitamin C and promotes collagen formation in the
skin. It is thought to be an excellent cleansing agent while improving
skin texture and surface smoothness. Provides excellent hair shine.
product is water based and easily incorporates into lotions, soaps and
hair care products. It does not look or smell like honey you purchase at
the grocery store.
Physical Form:
Yellow Clear Liquid
Soluble in Water
Country of Origin:
United States
Room temperature. Air tight container.
Best Used By:
One year from date of purchase.
Shelf Life Once Used in Manufacturing:
One year from manufacturing date.
Country Of Origin: United States